Innovation in super-aging Japan
- 5 January 2019
- Posted by: JC
- Category: Innovation

In a nutshell
Aged care in Japan is fuelled by innovation in super-aging Japan. The world’s demography is changing dramatically. We live longer and longer! Japan is at the forefront of these changes, and Innovation in super-aging Japan is already a reality. By 2050, according to the United Nations, more than one in three adults will be over 60 years old. Five percent of the population will be over 80 years old. With more than 25 percent of its population aged 65 or more, Japan is already a super-aged country. Japan is a super-aged society societal. The lack of care workers especially for long term care of elderly people is putting pressure on the health care system. Japan is an innovation laboratory for what will happen in the course of the next 10 to 20 years in most of the western nations ageing population.
Super-aging countries carry lots of challenges, such as the burdens for healthcare, pensions, and care systems. They also bring a significant number of new business opportunities for the private sector. It is especially true in countries as technologically advanced as Japan. Technology and innovation are critical components to address successfully the needs of the elderly and reduce the burden of care.
Silver Economy as a business opportunity
Older adults are part of the so-called silver economy. This population is not outside of the consumers’ market. It represents a new market segment with specific needs. In the future, aged customers will be more and more involved in supporting economic growth. So much that in Japan and Korea, those aged 75 and older will contribute to 40% of the consumption growth. By 2020, studies show that older adults will spend $15 trillion annually. Silver economy members have particular attributes that make them a precious economic target. Compared to younger generations, older people seek quality and are ready to pay more. They are far less price-sensitive than younger generations.
Convenience stores, or Kombinis, are everywhere in Japan. In these shops, people can buy food, pay their bills, post their letters. It is even possible to eat or drink coffee while reading a magazine. Some shops also offer dry-cleaning services. Three major chains, Seven Eleven, Family Mart and Lawson, rule over the 50,000 shops market. Aged customers are for them an opportunity. These shops are evolving to satisfy the elders’ needs. The Japanese Urban Renaissance Agency, a semi-public housing agency, signed an agreement with the leading convenience store operators. It allows them to open their shops directly within some of the 1,700 buildings they manage in the Kansai area. These stores, of course, offer easy access to food and commodities specially selected to suit the needs of the seniors. They also act as a link between generation. They offer sitting and chatting areas but also entertainments, such as Karaoke for seniors. The shops also deliver groceries for free. The convenience store staff can also handle minor maintenance problems in the flats.
Panasonic went one step further. They surveyed more than 30,000 Japanese above 50 years old and developed a brand new line of products targetted, especially towards senior consumers: The J-Concept line. Vacuum cleaners became lighters and easier to handle. Washing machines are equipped with easy ways to remove clothes. Air Conditioners did not blow strong freezing winds anymore, but gentle breezes magically regulated by the AI that directly retrieved the weather information from the Internet and programmed itself accordingly. Senior consumers are demanding, and are willing to spend more on products that will best answer their specific needs. In the years to come, we can expect to see more or more products designed, especially for the elderly. And this is just one part of Innovation in super-aging Japan.
Robots as the new caregivers
Aged care in Japan also means dealing with social life. New disruptive innovations and robots are now appearing to promote social connectivity. They help slow down cognitive decline and assist in physical training. In Japan, there is a shortage of caregivers for the elderly. This situation is now a political and societal issue. The recently approved so-called “blue-collar” foreign workers visa has been sharply criticized. Robots could be a solution, and they are already in elder-care homes. It is just the beginning, as the care-bot market should reach $3.7 billion by 2035.
Aibo, the pet dog robot developed by Sony, and Paro, the robotic baby-seal, are just the more famous examples of innovation in super-aging Japan. Numerous robots are used to stimulate and interact with the elderly. Paro is now present in more than 30 countries. It encourages patients who have dementia to maintain some form of social engagement. Softbank famous humanoid Robots Pepper also assists in exercise routines. More than 500 nursing homes in Japan use Pepper for one task or another.
The Japanese government and the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry, METI, contributed to the development of eldercare robots. They could become both a solution to the shortage of 380,000 specialized workers by 2025 and a potential very lucrative export industry. Innovative products are already present in hospitals and care homes. Developed by the RIKEN Center for Human-Interactive Robot Research and Sumitomo Riko Company, Robear is another example of what collaborative nursing robots could be. The cute looking bear robot help lifting the patients.
We can predict that Psychological resistance and costs will gradually decrease. Care robots will soon be widely used. The idea is not to replace the human staff. The goal is for robots to assist humans.
Fighting loneliness with technology
Loneliness in Japan is already a major issue for the Japanese elderly. Kodokushi or lonely deaths are on the rise. In Japan, social ties are mainly built in the workplace, and family members live under the same roof anymore. Once retired, lots of former salarymen will lose most of their social life. They will then quickly become isolated. The disaggregation of the traditional family structure also partly explains that more than 30,000 Japanese citizens die alone every year. Some companies even specialize in the business of cleaning the flat where lonely people died. Studies suggest that loneliness and social isolation are aggravating factors for cognitive decline and dementia. Telepresence or social robots are a way to limit the consequences of the evolution of Japanese society. Pet robots can be as effective as real pets to fight loneliness. Sometimes, a special bond will appear between the robot and its owner. In some extreme cases, Funerals are even held for broken robots. Telepresence robots could also look after their owners. They will become mechanical guardian angels and look after their owners. In the case of a fall of health issues, emergency services will be called automatically. Japan is entering the age of Telemedicine. Telepresence robots are just a component of this silver revolution.

The Tokyo based company Telexistence goes one step further. Introduced in 1980 by Pr Susumu Tachi, the Chairman of the company, Telexistence refers to the concept of using a robot to be in a place different from the one you are. It is a little bit like receiving the ubiquitous gift. Some Telepresence robots already allow you to let a robot attend an event when you are in a different place. It could be especially interesting for the elderly who are physically diminished and cannot move easily. The model H developed by this company goes one step further as the robot can interact with the distant environment and send visual, auditory, and sensory feedback to the user. A Virtual Reality headset is used to completely immerse the user in the situation where the robot is evolving in. Telexistence could somehow be a double-edged sword. For older adults, it will become a way to expand their world and bring them back relative freedom of movement. For the numerous Japanese who suffer from extreme isolation and fear of interacting with the world, Hikikomori, it will then become a way to isolate themselves even more. Aged care in Japan is a multi-faceted problem that needs to be addressed globally.
These social silver economy robots are just a substitute, of course. They will not replace human interactions anytime soon. In 2040, 40 percent of the population will be living alone. After all, a virtual companion may be better than no companion at all. The future only will tell. Innovation in super-aging Japan is already a reality. Hashi Healthcare, Innovation, and Management consulting is here to help you find future trends and implement them successfully.